MARC Developer Installation


If you want to make changes to MARC source, or contribute new functionalities back to the community, this is the page for you! MARC is developed via GitHub, and this page will describe how to get started. There is also a list of open topics available for contribution if you’re looking for ideas to get started.

As a developer, you’ll want to fork MARC to your personal account. This creates a copy of the whole MARC repository, including all past versions, inside your GitHub account. Generally, you’ll want to start from the develop branch, but you can check with the developers if you think it would be more appropriate to work on a feature branch.

Development is done on separate branches. Basically, there are three types of branches.

MARC merges new code contributions through pull requests. As you make changes to your copy of MARC, you’ll upload them to your GitHub fork, and then when they’re ready for review you’ll submit them for merge via pull request.

Style Guide

MARC is built on a slightly modified PEP8 style guide, with changes made to implement a data-oriented view of the code. To help support discovering code, the MARC folder structure explicitly mirrors the package structure. Flexibility of the package structure is important, so in general all objects live in their own file, with the same file name as the object name. In order to maintain a separation between Analysis and Data structures, there are often parallel package trees inside the main branches of the package, like MARC.Methods.Aerodynamics and MARC.Analysis.Aerodynamics. Where possible the names of fields that live in the MARC package are written out verbosely, avoiding jargon built on mathematical variable names or acronyms.

Downloading Dependencies

Below are the packages that MARC expects in order to run the tutorial cases. These are pip, numpy, scipy, matplotlip, plotly, scikit-learn, sklearn, pandas, geopy and  kaleido. You can install the dependent packages separately in the terminal of your machine.

Alternatively, you can use a scientific python distribution like Anaconda. All the package dependencies like scipy and numpy will come pre-packaged and stuff will just work.

Download Instructions

Once you’ve downloaded the code and prepared the software requirements, you’re ready to install it into python!

This should print the file path to the MARC package file in your trunk directory.

Some Notes

Dealing with Write Access (i.e. Installing on A Server or on Windows)

You shouldn’t need this part of the guide, unless you are unable to write-access the python site-packages directory. In that case, you can try these approaches to install MARC.

Install to local site-packages

This involves the user install option

python3 develop --user